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Get Moving Summer Challenge 2022

Running from June 1st through June 30th,  this challenge is for persons of ALL fitness levels, but is especially catered to those persons struggling to simply restart and commit to being active.


Each week you will be provided with a series of 'Get Moving Goals' which will vary in intensity from week to week. Your aim is to complete each goal published for the specific week and to submit proof of completion.  The 'Relive: Run, Ride, Hike & more' app will be used to record and submit your results (see below for instructions on how to record and submit your activity). 


Select the appropriate button below to see  weekly "Get Moving Goal" (GMG) or to view Results:

June 1st - June 4th   

June 5th - June 11th 

June 12th - June 18th

June 19th - June 25th

June 26th - July 2nd

Instructions on How to Record & Submit Your Activity from The Relive App:

1. Choose 'Record'
2. Select the appropriate activity type e.g. 'Walking or Running'
3. Ensure the app has located the GPS signal
4. Choose 'START' 
5. Complete the activity goal
6. Choose 'PAUSE'
7. Choose 'FINISH' and then 'Finish Activity'
8. Name your activity starting with the week followed by the GMG activity number (e.g  Week 1, GMG #2)
9. Choose 'Save these to your activity'
10. Choose 'Photo' and hit 'Next'
11. Select Share via 'Email'
12. Send to ''  - with the Subject as the week followed by the GMG activity number
(e.g  Week 1, GMG #2)

Important Questions:

Can activities be completed on stationary machinery such as a  treadmill?
Yes, activities can be completed on stationary machinery such as a treadmill; however, the Relive GPS signal will not be able to record the distance travelled.  Thus, if you will be using stationary machinery, please do the following:

1.  Follow Steps 1 -6, above, for "How to Record & Submit Your Activity"  (ignore Step 3)
2. After Step 6 ('PAUSE'  the app), pause the machinery and take a picture(s) of the machine activity summary using the photo icon in the app (be sure to capture the distance travelled and, or time elapsed based on the GMG requirements)
2. Complete Steps 7 - 12, above,  for "How to Record & Submit Your Activity", using the photo(s) taken of the machinery activity summary when completing Step 10

Can class attendance count towards "get moving goals"?
In some cases, your class attendance can count towards your get moving goal.  Where the goal requires physical activity for a specified period of time, you will see 'Exercise Class" listed as an option.  Please start the Relive app to track the time elapsed during the activity so proof can be submitted as outlined,  above, under "How to Record & Submit Your Activity".

Do particular goals have to be completed on particular days or in a particular order?
No. Goals can be completed on any day and in any order. However, all goals for the week must be completed within the specified week.  Credit will not be given where the goal is accomplished outside of the week specified.  

When are the weekly get moving goals posted?
The Challenge week runs from Sunday to Saturday. Goals for the upcoming week will be posted on the Saturday evening before the week begins. 

Why is it important to 'Save your activities' (step 9) before you submit them? 
In the unlikely event whereby your goal completion is incorrectly omitted, you can re-submit your proof from the saved activities within the app. 

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